Sunday, May 3, 2009

DPLI : Esok Microteaching.....


Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk melakukan presentation microteaching esok dan dapatkanlah aku buat yang terbaik...

ISh, takut gak aku....Esok aku akan buat microteaching dengan memfokuskan kepada QUESTIONING. Sifat2 QUESTIONING SKILL adalah.....

Purpose of questioning students:
- Involve student actively in the learning process
- Arouse students’ attention and curiosity
- Focus students’ attention to ideas or concept
- Encourage students to ask questions
- Develop thinking skills
- Seek clarification and elaboration of students’ ideas – identify and address misconceptions
- Assess students’ understanding

Asking the question
- State questions with precision and in as few words as possible
- Avoid the use of rhetorical questions
- Direct questions to the whole class
- Direct questions to volunteers and non-volunteers
- Use a wide variety of questions
- Questions suitable to students’ ability
- Clear presentation - not threatening

Use appropriate Wait-Time (Pause)
- Give time for students to think, both after posing the question and before the teacher responds to it
- Average wait-time 3 to 5 sec
- Longer for questions requiring higher level of thinking skill
- Can significantly enhance the analytic and problem-solving skills of students

Selecting students to answer
- Pick volunteers and non-volunteers
- Call on one student by name even when the whole class answer in unison
- Randomised approach keeps all students engaged
- Assert rules when appropriate (e.g. insist on hands-up before allowing students to answer) when picking volunteers

Responding/reacting to students answers
- Ensure everyone’s attention to answers
- Respond/react without judgement by rephrasing students’ answers in teacher’s own words, if the teacher wishes to keep the discussion going. Otherwise, acknowledge correct answer with positive reinforcement and identify and ask for alternative answers from other students if the answer is incorrect.
- Prompt if students cannot answer – e.g. by giving clue/hint or by rephrasing the question and perhaps simplifying it
- Probe further to clarify students’ ideas and/or challenge students and thus encourage higher order thinking
- Redirect and ask around before accepting an answer
- Interrelate all ideas/answers so that students will be able to arrive at a conclusion

Emphasise/summarise correct answer
- Verbally
- Using visual aid, if appropriate
- Restate the purpose after a lengthy questioning session

So, nilah semua yang aku kene masukkan kat dalam QUESTIONING SKILL nie. Hari tu aku dah buat, tapi serius aku cakap, skill nie kene buat secara spontan, tapi PLANNING tetap kene ader...

AKu cadang nak buat QUESTIONING utk bab WAVE.....AKu update blog nie pun kat CC...hehehe. Nak carik video pasal wave nih. Mudah2han aku boleh buat yang terbaiklah esok, Amin...

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